The domain name has a great say in the success of your website. There are a bunch of SEO companies out there who will promise you the moon and the stars. All these companies offer everything that a business needs. Whether it be technical SEO, strong content, or social media marketing, they got you covered. 

They may promise to work in a different style, but the truth is all the companies focus on the same theory. One such theory to enhance your search engine optimization is the domain name. 

A domain name helps a company build its presence on the internet if the right keywords are used. However, if something is wrong with the same, the users can face a hard time getting the right domain authority.

Whether it be an informative site or an eCommerce site, it takes a lot of effort to build something from scratch. Entrepreneurs spend a huge portion of their day on the business to make sure nothing wrong happens. 

However, you don’t want to ruin all those efforts just because of a domain’s wrong choice. 

To understand the importance of a good domain, it is mandatory to know the impacts of a domain name on your SEO and online marketing journey. 

Also Read: How to do Keyword Research? A Beginner’s Guide To Find The Best Keywords

How Domains Impact Your SEO ranking 

As mentioned, all the SEO companies follow the same theory. Going with the same might look like a good idea, but it isn’t so. There are several loopholes in the Google algorithm which are being used by these SEO companies. 

However, these loopholes can be taken care of in the future, which can significantly decrease your domain authority. All that Google wants is to provide the users which the right information with full integrity. 

A content marketer is bound to look out for content that has value. Similarly, a marketer must lookout for a domain name that has value to the customers. A domain name might not affect your SEO ranking greatly, but it doesn’t have any downside to having a good domain name. 

The domain name can grab the attention of your customers. With so much to provide in the market, a domain name can help one with the following. 

Click-Through Rates 

Having a good CTR is just like the perfect icing on your cake. Social marketing involves having good marketing strategies that will take grab the user’s attention. However, there is more to the story. 

If the domain name doesn’t look authentic, the users might not find it safe to operate around it. 


Reliability and trust are two major factors that one must look out for. It is hard to find a system that works for the masses. A good domain name helps in building the trust required. 

Attention in the SEO results 

A website from Canada with some funky name might not grab your attention, but something very raw and classy might do. It depends on the niche you pick up and what signal you want to send about your site. 

Brand Potential 

Having the right name for your brand can bring in huge upside potential in the future. It is more about meeting with the client’s psychology than finding a good name. 

Must Read: How To Find a Profitable Niche For Blogging In 2020 (Step-by-Step Guide)

10 Tips For Selecting A Domain Name 

Whatsoever, all of these factors are subjective and don’t lead to quantitative analysis. But there are a bunch of factors that can help a website gain potential technically. 

Google has a straightforward process of ranking the website. If the users like it, you are going to be on the first page. As easy as it sounds, the tougher it gets when it comes to consistency. 

Using the pointers, one can significantly increase his domain ranking in the future. 

Use Keywords in your Domain Name 

Search Engine Optimization is all about finding the keyword for your content. However, that’s not the whole story. 

Google Bot needs to understand what your website is about. With a specific keyword in your domain name, you pretty much specify the niche you are dealing with. 

Image Source: SEO PowerSuite

This is a vital factor; however, it won’t help you rank high individually. One requires to bring in great content, user experience, and quality marketing to make this factor boost your site. 

The market is saturated. With so many players in this field, it gets hard to find the right keyword for your website. This will need you to be creative about the domain name. 

One can even combine different keywords to make the domain name stand out. After all, it is always best to make your own path. 

Domain Name Should Be Short

You don’t want users to forget your domain name. The possibility for a user to come back to your website is high when they can retain your domain name. 

Keeping the domain name short will help you make a great impression as you are selective and oriented at the same time. 

A long domain name can lead to the loss of track, which will make sure that users don’t follow your website properly. The best way out is by keeping the domain name under 20 characters. 

Therefore, think twice before making any move with the length of the keyword. 

Stick With .com 

A bunch of domain extension is available on the website. It can .com, .net, .pizza as well as .photography. 

No matter how cool they sound or how apt they look for a website, it is important to pick up a domain extension that can be memorized by everyone. 

Dotcom is not just any ordinary domain extension. This is one of the oldest extension which has worked out for most of the bloggers, creators, and eCommerce site. 

Domains like .ninja or .pizza cannot be trusted easily. All users aren’t expected to understand this. Some are just aware of dotcoms, and this is where you will start losing out on your viewers. 

One can even go for .in, .us or .ca extensions. These extensions are based on the country the server belongs to. With these, you are narrowing down your traffic to a limited number of audience. 

This might be catchy, but people from different countries might have an issue with trusting your site. 

Dotcom is open to all countries and is accepted as a universal extension. 

Make Your Domain Name Easy To Spell 

The easier is your domain name to spell; the greater are the chances for one to remember it. With the vast collection of domains on the internet, it is not easy for a user to remember each of them. 

Especially when you write informative blogs, it gets harder for the users to keep the domain name in mind. 

Something catchy and different with the ease to spell out can help the audience retain your site and visit it later in the future. 

Avoid Hyphens 

A person will be really dumb to use hyphens in the 21st century. Since the invention of dotcom, there have been several instances in the market which prove that domains with hyphens mean a spam domain. 

No one wants to be associated with a spam domain. Whenever one comes across the site, the best thing they do is avoid the domain. They won’t even give your domain the benefit of the doubt. 

Apart from it, human beings are prone to make mistakes. Hyphens will just add up to the trouble of making typos. If you’re trying to beat your competitor using hyphens in the domain, then this is the worst idea ever. 

Double letters

 The use of double letters can be both harmful and beneficial at times. Double letters can be tough for users to deal with as it involves complex structure. However, the use of double letters can also make your website distinctive. 

You can stand out by finding something different from the group. Many brands come with words with double letters in their domain name. This has worked pretty well for them and might work the same for you.

However, if you end up making the whole name complex, you might end up in trouble. 

Room for Growth 

All over the different websites, one thing which is common is that we should pick up domain names as the demand for our niche. If a person is looking to go for a finance niche, he is probably using terms like investment, funds, or money in his domain. 

Similarly, a person who is into automobiles will use cars, bikes, or four-wheelers in his domain name. 

However, the best way to keep some room for expansion is by giving your domain an open-ended name. With a specific name, a person is restricting himself in that particular niche itself. 

One of the best niches is Technology. The scope for growth in tech is enormous. One can simply shift from one sub-area to another without even changing the name. But it is not the same with all the niche, and therefore, one must find a way out for the same. 

Know your domain name 

Picking up a domain name is not easy. There are several sites that will help you get your dotcom domain. However, everything lies in the name. 

There are several expired domains on the website which are open for a take. These domains have good authority but are not used due to the lack of effectiveness. If you are smart enough, investing in these domains can be really a great strategy. 

Another great idea will be to search for the domain you want on the internet. Some domain names are available for taking but are being red-flagged by Google. This can lead to great loss in the future, and the best way to avoid it is by knowing about it. 

Domain Name Generator 

Artificial Intelligence is the best thing a human being ever developed. With the help of AI, users can find out the right domain name for their website. The internet is full of different domain names. Approximately, there are 400 million domain names registered on the website now. 

The quantity is huge, and there are changes that names can overlap.

Domain Name Generator is a free tool that helps you out with different domain names that are available for a take. Smart entrepreneurs can get this deal done with the use of such tools. 

Don’t Delay the Process. 

One of the rookie mistakes that everyone makes is that they delay the process. When you have a great domain name in your mind, which is hard to get by, you shouldn’t be waiting for it to be gone. 

As soon as you find that the domain is available, you should grab it and start working on it. 

Every day thousands of new domain names are being registered. There is no way that you still end up having the domain with you if you don’t buy it. 

If a huge pool of users is ready to buy the same domain name, the price of the same can increase drastically. Therefore, it is important to act fast. 

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Common Mistakes while selecting Domain Name 

The mistakes mentioned are going to be really common. All of us, at some point or another, make these silly mistakes, which can cause us a fortune. 

Trying to be Clever 

Cleverness is appreciated in all the different industries. However, there are certain fields where it can be harmful to your team. 

When picking up a domain name, it gets really hard for the users to understand the niche of your website if it’s not clear. In other words, cleverness can disrupt clarity, which can cause a huge loss. 

Playing around with your domain name is not the wisest idea. If a person doesn’t understand the pun you’re trying to portray, it can harm your SEO creditability. 

Imagine a situation where the user isn’t aware of the domain name, and thus, he feels uncomfortable to visit the site. The user won’t be even open your website. 

Apart from it, if the user opens your site and doesn’t find it convincing enough, he will leave the website immediately. This can increase the bounce rate, which will hamper your SEO ranking. 

All that Google Bot will conclude out of this is that your content is not good enough for the visitors. 

Trying a New Word as a Brand 

Building a brand is nice. However, you must have the appropriate resources for the same. If a word is completely unknown to users or it is a funky word created by you, there is a huge chance that users won’t understand the same. 

It will be a huge mistake for a blogger to come up with an unknown word as his domain name as he doesn’t have the revenue required and neither an ad agency to take care of the cool marketing tactics to pull it off. 

Using a Subdomain 

For a beginner, it can get hard to meet the budget required for a domain. This is the part where most of us go for the subdomain. 

These free blogging platform not only steals your money but also takes away your audience. There are two main reasons why you should avoid it. 

Setting up your website on someone else’s website shows that you are not ready as an owner to invest in your content. It shows that you are an amateur and that you don’t have faith in your content. 

The company where you are setting up your blog can change their policy as per their needs. This can hamper your blogs and your data to a huge extend. At the worst end, you can even end up losing all your hard work. 


People think it is a smart way to get the attention of audiences. However, the whole aspect is different when we talk about a domain name. 

Blogging has a different aspect as you’re helping out the individuals to learn about the topic you’re talking about. Using abbreviations at certain points won’t affect the blog so much. 

However, an abbreviation is not good enough for a domain name, as potential readers can find it odd. Losing on your viewers will be the last thing that you would ask for. 

Keeping these points in mind while selecting a domain name for your blogs can be really helpful in the long run. 

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Finalizing the Domain Name

Is Using Your Own Name The Right Strategy? 

The website name depicts what your niche is going to be like. If the blog is going to be about you or your personal services, then using your own name might be the right strategy. The reason behind this is that viewers will be searching for you in particular. 

However, if you are looking for a way to expand your business, then it might get restricted due to the use of the personal name. 

Imagine a copywriter who has a website by his name. He has been doing great as a copywriter but now wants to expand his business and start an agency. 

Well, he would need a different website for the same as the current website is made for his personal blogs and services. 

This is where the whole difference lies. Make smart use of your name as it will continue as a rein forever. 

Should You Use A Branded Domain Or a Keyword Domain? 

We have discussed this topic many times now. However, the question is still not answered by many. Users need to understand the utility of the website as it will decide which one will fit the best for their needs. 

If a person is starting as a newbie blogger, then using the keyword domain will make more sense. If your niche is related to guitar, then domains like or will be the perfect ones for you. 

Using a keyword domain can help a person in ranking as it clarifies the niche itself. 

On the other hand, if you are building a new brand and have the capital to market it, using a brand domain is perfect for you. A branded domain can be a tough place for users as they unleash their own creativity.

They need to make sure that they have a proper budget that discloses the inner meaning of the brand name and thus, make the users fall in love with it. 

However, if they are missing out on it, then no marketing plan can help them grow their business. 

Should You Track Your Competitors? 

It is always nice to keep track of your competitors. This not only gives you a head start but also gives you the upper hand. However, there might be a situation when your peers aren’t in your arena. 

Suppose you are a newbie who is entering the domain of tech. There will be several players out there who already have made their mark in the market. Sites like,, and others have used the first-mover advantage effectively. 

Analyzing the competitor will be a smart move as it will cover up a lot of research work from your side. 

Is Using A Domain Name Generator A Wise Idea? 

Domain name generator has helped out millions of people with finding their domain names. It includes a complex software which requires keyword as the data to process different names which are available for taking. 

However, the question is that is DNM are safe to use? 

It is true that several sites use your research work and sell it out to make tons of money. This is not only painful but also left you in the worst situation possible. 

One can feel safe and be assured of their research work when using the DNM mentioned above in the article. 

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Best Blog Name Generators for Domain Name Ideas 

Finding out the right blog name can be tricky. One can spend hours and still won’t have anything in hand. 

To help out our users, we have provided different blog name generating website which will come up with the right spur domain name your website. 

These blog name finders might feel like from the 90s. However, it will be a perfect match for you, and don’t judge the site by its look. 

This website might look a little cliché, but it has its upsides. If you’re using a particular keyword to generate your domain name, can be perfect for you. 

It can provide you with different domain names that are available for taking. 


Now, bloggers won’t have a problem with finding the right domain name with this website. 

All they need to do is type the domain name they have thought about and use it to get the names that are available. 


Image Source: WinningWP

If you’re tired of using the old school website, then finding this website will help you out with the new looks. 

It is a newly formed website that can help with the different names one wants. 

Domain Search (BustAName) 

Image Source: Keywords Forum

This is an exciting platform as it comes in with different indexes. Where you can find the required domain name, it also provides the available domain extension. 

One can even select the prefix and the basic combination of words, which will help them ease out the selection process. 

These websites can help you find the right domain name; however, you can’t buy them at these websites. 

Users have to use different platforms like and to buy their preferred domain. Depending on the keyword and the domain extension, the price for every domain is different. 

The price will roughly lie between Rs. 1000 and 2000. However, if the keyword used by you has great upside potential. The price can stand in lakhs. 


After going through the article, you must have realized that picking up a domain name is no piece of cake. A lot of effort have to be put in to get the right name for your domain. 

However, there are a lot of things that add up, and one shouldn’t miss it out. With the guidance provided above, bloggers can easily get their favorite domain name. The websites mentioned will help the users to find an appropriate replacement for their keywords. 

The domain name is just the start of a great journey. If you have already made a choice and bought a domain, there is nothing that you need to be worried about. 

A domain name makes up just a fraction of SEO ranking. With proper marketing strategy and SEO optimization, a blogger can get huge traffic if the consistency is maintained. 

Bloggers work hard for 2-3 years before seeing any significant amount of traffic. All of these lies in the keyword research and the hard work one is willing to put in. 

If you have already found a strong keyword, make sure you don’t let it go. Grab it as soon as possible. 

Want To Read More On Blogging?

Are you starting your own blog or website? Even if you are totally new at this, we are extensively covering a sequence-wise step-by-step process on how to start your blog. Just Dive In for more!

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